Thursday, May 23, 2013


Using Matrix Display
For this project, it is recommended to use matrix display than using one by one of leds and we have to construct the leds arrangement according the design of logo. By using Matrix display, there is no complication to design the logo. The programming to view the pattern of led display on matrix board. In addition, it can save a lot of money than buying many super-bright leds.

Using PCB Board

The standard design of Led display board basically use strip board (single holes). There have many problems when using basic strip boards, so, have to improve using PCB board or Etching process. It is more easier to use than using strip board. Using PCB or etching board, to design the layout of led display of UNIKL Logo, it is more suitable than using strip board. The PCB board can design the pattern of Logo smoothly. So, by using it, the design of the logo will be perfectly designed according the model of the logo. Period of time to design the logo on board will be taking a short time.

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